Pupil Premium
At Sir Thomas Rich’s School we are proud to offer a bespoke Pupil Premium Grant package to support pupils, and their parents, in the way that is of most benefit to the individual pupil. If you have any questions regarding our Pupil Premium offer, please see the below information and email any questions to our Pupil Premium and Widening Access Lead, Mrs Ellen Holt, at [email protected].
Pupil Premium
Sir Thomas Rich’s School receives a sum of money from the government called the Pupil Premium Grant. The purpose of the Pupil Premium Grant is to help address the inequalities between those pupils in receipt of free school meals, looked after children, service personnel and their peers.
We use the funding gained from the Pupil Premium Grant to support a range of students. The funding allocated to Sir Thomas Rich’s focuses on supporting pupils to raise their academic achievement and improve pupil participation in extra-curricular activities.
We are required to publish how much Pupil Premium Grant we receive and its allocation within our school. Please find below the School’s Pupil Premium Policy, the impact of the Pupil Premium Grant for previous years and the planned Pupil Premium expenditure for 2024/25.
- Pupil Premium Lead: Mrs E F Holt
- Governor Link: Ms S Rodway
Sir Thomas Rich's School received £1050 per Pupil Premium pupil, £340 per Service Premium Pupil, and £2,570 per Pupil Premium Plus pupil for the academic year 2024/25.
The breakdown of the funding is as follows:
- Number of Pupils on Roll: Year 7-Year 13 = 1279. Year 7-Year 11 = 785
- % of Pupils eligible for PPG or PP+: 5.22% (41 pupils)
- Total amount of PPG received: £1050 x 38 + £2570 x 3 = £47,610
- Total amount of SPG received: £340 x 4 = £1,360