PSHE – Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education – is fundamental to the growth and progression of young people in this fast-paced world. PSHE covers many aspects about life and society. The subject aims to be thought provoking and strives to equip young people with a range of skills and knowledge which will allow them to make sensible decisions in this ever-changing world.

The three main areas taught in PSHE are: physical and mental well-being, relationships and sex education and living in the wider world.

Year 7 students are taught PSHE for two periods a fortnight. Year 8 and 9 classes are taught for one period a fortnight.

Year 7

Rules and rights. Puberty and reproduction. Nutrition and health. Cyber safety and online grooming. Identity. Healthy friendships and bullying. Healthy relationships and family life. Knife crime and county lines.

Year 8

Alcohol. Drugs. Difference and diversity. Prejudice and discrimination. Addiction: gambling and gaming. Future careers and ambitions.

Year 9

Consent and sexual abuse. Contraception and STIs. Domestic abuse. Gender identity. Pornography and body image. Self-harm. Physical and mental well-being.

Students have two periods a fortnight of Religious Studies and PSHE is taught in the final seven weeks of the Summer Term within these lessons.

Years 10 & 11

Religious Studies: Extremism, tolerance and radicalisation. Female genital mutilation (FGM). Forced marriage and honour-based violence. Consent and healthy relationships. Contraception and safer sex. Money management.

Sixth Form students follow a detailed Enrichment Programme in Years 12 and 13 which covers money management, relationships and other key areas, helping to prepare them for life at university and beyond.

Head of PSHE

Paula Garcia Toja [email protected]