Year 7 Appeals 2025

(as part of the main admissions process)

If your child has not been successful in gaining a place at Sir Thomas Rich’s School for entry in Year 7 in September 2025, you do have a statutory right to appeal before an Independent Admissions Appeal panel. Appeals can only be made after 3 March 2025 (national allocation day).

If you believe extenuating circumstances may have affected your child’s performance on the day of the test, this may be grounds for your appeal. Reasons might be medical, or a recent family bereavement, for example. However, having a sibling at the school, transport issues, or extra-curricular achievements are not usually considered sufficient grounds for appeal.

Parents wishing to appeal must returning a completed Appeals Form (Word DOCX or PDF) by 3pm on Thursday 24th April 2025.

Any further, supporting information, must be received by the school by 3pm on Thursday 8 May 2025. Examples of supporting evidence may include mock or predicted SATs, CATs or school reports as evidence of ability, together with evidence of the extenuating circumstances.

We are happy to accept appeal paperwork via email or post. Please note that we will only photocopy in black and white. If there are any documents which you would like the Appeals Panel to receive in colour, please provide 5 printed copies by post. All hard copy paperwork submitted must be single sided with no staples.

If your child has not sat the Grammar School Admission Test, he will need to sit the Appeals Test which will be on 28 April. Please let me know as soon as possible if your child will need to sit the test.

Appeal Hearings will begin in early June 2025, with exact dates to be confirmed nearer the time. Hearings will take place remotely over MS Teams.

If you have any questions about this process, please email Mrs Alison Ewart (Registrar) on [email protected]. Please note that this is a very busy time and she will respond as quickly as she is able. If you have difficulty in understanding the procedure because English is not your first language, please contact the school for assistance. An interpreter can be provided on request, if needed.

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