From the Headmaster - June 2017

From the Headmaster - June 2017

Published Thursday 15 June 2017 by mm

Dear Parents


School is rather strange at the moment and whilst we are approaching the end of the external GCSEs examinations. GCE A levels are now in full swing. Year 12 will be examined internally next week and Years 7 and 9 have just completed a week of formal assessments. It goes without saying that we expect our pupils to take these internal exams seriously and to revise thoroughly, and we are always pleased by the positive attitude pupils demonstrate during the week of internal assessment. The most important part of the process happens afterwards however, when papers are given back and answers discussed. The crucial step in learning for pupils is in the way they respond to teachers' feedback, and the targets they set themselves to achieve in the future. It is really vital that they understand the gaps in their knowledge and understanding and the ways in which they can address these. When boys report back on the marks they achieved in exams, please can I urge you to discuss with them how they have responded to feedback and the goals they are setting themselves for future learning. Many schools have lost the traditional 'end of year exams' and I believe it is to the detriment of their pupils. It is the opportunity for reflection and a commitment to put right mistakes they have made that yields sustained progress.

Parental Questionnaire

I would like to offer a heartfelt thank you to all parents who took the time to respond to the recent questionnaire. As always, our parent community responded with huge generosity, offering financial support, talents, experience and time. This support is vital to ensure we continue to grow and flourish. I am now taking stock of the responses to the questionnaire and will report back fully on its results in the future.

Grammar School Test Registration

A reminder that the final date for registration for the test for entry to grammar school is 30^^June. Any parents wishing to register should visit this link:[](

Forthcoming Events

Our Director of Sport, Mr Rhys Williams, has already informed you of the new arrangements for this year's House Athletics and Sports Evening, which is scheduled for Thursday 13 July (reserve date: 14^^July). Please can I remind you that all students in Years 7 and 8 are expected to attend, along with competitors of field and track events in Years 7 to 13. The two significant changes to the event are the new start time of 4pm, and the expectation that boys in Years 7 and 8 not participating in track and field events will be responsible for Form stalls in order to raise the profile of Sports' Evening and create a festival atmosphere.

Our annual Summer Concert takes place at 7.30pm on Friday 7th July in the school hall. As always, this will be a lovely way to showcase the richness of musical talent here at school.  This year it has a 'Stage and Screen' Theme. Please do come along and share in this summer evening musical celebration.

M SR Morgan

Matthew Morgan,
