From the Headmaster - October 2014

From the Headmaster - October 2014

Published Tuesday 28 October 2014 by mm

It goes without saying that schools should provide pupils with a plethora of opportunities for personal as well as academic development. At Rich's we aim to instil resilience, so pupils are able to face up to challenges, confront their fears and understand how working in teams can bring out the best in each other. In my assembly to the School on Tuesday, I reminded pupils that there are times when they need to rely on each other and put the wellbeing of others before personal ambition. It is through collaboration, teamwork and looking after each other that we can establish a collective pride and sense of self-worth that ultimately develops character and leads to success. I tried to illustrate this with a story from my own holiday in the Lake District, although I am not sure that I was particularly successful in getting the message across!

However, I can confidently report that teamwork was very much on display on Tuesday during our Open Day and Open Evening. I am extremely grateful to all the pupils and teachers who gave up their free time to contribute so positively to this event. I received a large number of comments particularly about the welcoming atmosphere in the School. I am pleased that people who don't know us well are able to identify that supportive and warm relationships are at the heart of all we do; schools never truly succeed unless they genuinely care for the children in their charge.

You may be aware that we have combined the Newsletter and 'The Richian', so all families will receive printed copies of the School Magazine at the end of each term, the first of which will be issued at Christmas. This is in response to feedback we have gathered from parents and former pupils. On the subject of feedback, we have asked Kirkland Rowell to conduct an independent parental survey later this term in order to gather opinion on the School. We have decided to continue to use this company for the time being as it will allow us to make comparisons with previous years' findings.

We are continuing to raise money for the new Pavilion and much needed changing rooms. I was delighted last week to receive a cheque for £25 000 from the Garfield Western Foundation towards the project. We are still waiting to hear from a number of other trust funds. Our aim is to construct the shell of the building, in the first instance, so this latest contribution means that we are now only around £60 000 from our target. Many thanks to all who have donated. On the subject of changing rooms, I would like to make my usual plea to parents to ensure pupils' school uniform, PE and Games kit, shoes, and coats are labelled. There is still so much kit left around the School every day. We endeavour to return labelled items but it is almost impossible for unlabelled kit and their owners to be reunited.

Your son or daughter will have received their first Order grades on Friday. I have been pleased with the overall attitude and approach of pupils to learning so far this term and it is great to see so many commendations for outstanding effort and attainment. You will also notice that there is a letter from Mrs Bain (Clerk to the Governors) advertising a vacancy for a parent governor. I would be more than happy to speak to anyone interested, so do get in contact.

I wish everyone an enjoyable Half Term break.

M SR Morgan

                                     Matthew Morgan,
