Goodbye Year 13

Goodbye Year 13

Published Tuesday 15 June 2021 by SJV

Year 13 leavers returned to the school last night for some fun, food, inflatables and a few speeches! Staff gathered to chat and say goodbye, and despite the ominous clouds the weather stayed fine and a great time was had by all. Not the formal prom night of a normal year, but a great way to mark the end of an extraordinary Year 13, and an opportunity for staff to wish our leavers all the very best for the future. All being well we hope to see many of them back for Speech Night in the autumn.

(Safety note: Year 13 students are in a bubble so were not required to socially distance; staff took care to follow social distancing measures, and all Covid safety and hygiene protocols were followed.)

Goodbye Year 13 - Image
Goodbye Year 13 - Image
Goodbye Year 13 - Image
Goodbye Year 13 - Image
Goodbye Year 13 - Image
Goodbye Year 13 - Image
Goodbye Year 13 - Image
Goodbye Year 13 - Image
Goodbye Year 13 - Image