House Quiz Results

House Quiz Results

Published Sunday 13 December 2020 by DD

A new format for this year's House Quiz saw individual quizzes for each year group bubble. Each quiz was run over a lunchtime during last week (W/C 7 December) and by a member of staff and an observator who also compiled the quiz. Each house won at least one quiz and you can see the full results in the table below. Although they only won two individual quizzes, Southgate were the clear winners overall; Northgate came second overall due to a slightly more consistent position in each quiz even though their overall question score was lower than third place Eastgate. Well done to all those who took part.

Northgate Eastgate Southgate Westgate
Score Position Points Score Position Points Score Position Points Score Position Points
27 4 1 30 3 2 31 2 3 35 1 4
39 2 3 31 4 1 47 1 4 34 3 2
42 2 3 45 1 4 41 3 2 36 4 1
30 1 4 27 2 3 23 3 2 21 4 1
13 3 2 18 1 4 17 2 3 13 3 2
17 1 4 14 4 1 16 2 3 15 3 2
17 3 2 23 2 3 24 1 4 14 4 1
185 2 19 188 3 18 199 1 21 168 4 13
House Quiz Results - Image
House Quiz Results - Image
House Quiz Results - Image