Mass Lateral Flow Testing Ends Today

Mass Lateral Flow Testing Ends Today

Published Thursday 18 March 2021 by SJV

Mass lateral flow testing is over! Mr Morgan marked the occasion with a few words and a presentation to the school staff and parent volunteers who have worked so hard setting up and running testing over the last few weeks. It’s been a huge logistical exercise, all carried out with calm efficiency and good humour. Mr Morgan expressed his huge thanks to the parent volunteers, remarking that he had “never felt so supported by the school community than at this time”, and he presented them all with our limited edition ‘Patron’ enamel badges, which we award for exceptional dedication or service to the school. Mr Morgan also singled out the core organising team for praise: Sam Cooper, Sarah Ball, Sue Bain and Sylvia Kellaway, pictured here with their presentation bouquets. Parents also received hampers with our grateful thanks.

All staff and students will be testing from home next week, following the processes and instructions set up by the test team.

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Mass Lateral Flow Testing Ends Today - Image
Mass Lateral Flow Testing Ends Today - Image
Mass Lateral Flow Testing Ends Today - Image
Mass Lateral Flow Testing Ends Today - Image
Mass Lateral Flow Testing Ends Today - Image
Mass Lateral Flow Testing Ends Today - Image
Mass Lateral Flow Testing Ends Today - Image
Mass Lateral Flow Testing Ends Today - Image