Nikolaustag at Sir Thomas Rich's

Nikolaustag at Sir Thomas Rich's

Published Friday 11 December 2020 by JKH

Last week, pupils in 7B, 8B and 8C enjoyed celebrating Christmas early with the arrival of St. Nikolaus. Usually this traditional feast day is celebrated on 6 December, but as it fell on a Sunday this year, the boys were able to enjoy treats even earlier. The tradition is that in Germany St. Nikolaus and his companion visit homes on the eve of 5 December. Children leave their shoes or boots outside the door and Santa Claus, Nikolaus, fills them with chocolate, oranges or nuts if they have been good, or coals, sticks and stones if they haven’t. Luckily all our pupils were pleased to discover that they were not on his naughty list this year.

Nikolaustag at Sir Thomas Rich's - Image
Nikolaustag at Sir Thomas Rich's - Image
Nikolaustag at Sir Thomas Rich's - Image