Onatti German Play 'So eine Nervensäge'

Onatti German Play 'So eine Nervensäge'

Published Friday 1 February 2019 by JKH

On Tuesday, the German department was delighted to welcome the Onatti Company for the second of the Modern Foreign Language Plays this year. The actors performed the play ‘So eine Nervensäge’ in front of a very attentive and enthusiastic audience. The story is a funny story about two siblings. Lydia has a date with Fernando and all she wants to do is get ready in her room in peace. But she has the most annoying, frustrating, infuriating little sister who will not leave her alone. Lydia is desperate to get ready but her sister is determined to be as annoying as possible! The play was very funny and engaging with boys keen to participate at every opportunity and it was a fun and entertaining way to learn and revise German vocabulary and phrases. After the play, the actors commented at how impressed they were at our boys’ high level of understanding and Mrs Testoni- Ranken praised the behaviour of the boys in the audience as being ‘excellent.’


Onatti German Play 'So eine Nervensäge' - Image