Parents' Association Wine Tasting Evening 24 March

Parents' Association Wine Tasting Evening 24 March

Published Wednesday 8 March 2017 by strs pa

The PA invite all parents, carers and staff to a Wine Tasting evening and Auction in the school hall to be hosted by a talented wine connoisseur.

Having run a similar event successfully last year, we have decided to repeat the evening once again in what promises to be a highly entertaining evening. In addition, we are also going to hold an auction in the interval with some fantastic lots on offer, hosted by our very own Mr. Matthew Morgan!

The ticket price will include an opportunity to taste eight different wines and also a wine quiz with prizes. There will be an opportunity to buy any bottles left over at the end of the night and cheese and biscuit platters will also be available. Seating will be in tables of 12 but you are welcome to book any number of tickets.

Tickets are available from Reception priced at £12.50pp in advance, £14 on the door. However, numbers will be limited due to wine stocks. In order to purchase tickets, please print and complete the reply slip below and return to Reception, along with cash or cheque (payable to STRS PA). If you wish to be seated on the same table with other friends/family, please indicate this on the reply slip. It is anticipated that the evening will finish at approx. 9.30pm.

Tickets will be available on the night but advance purchase would be greatly appreciated. Please come and join in what promises to be a great fun night to raise much needed funds for our School.

To:STRS Parents' Association Via Reception

🍷 WineTasting Evening and Auction on Friday 24th March 2017 🍷 ****

Name …………………………………………………………… Son's/Daughter's form ……

I would like to purchase .................... tickets @ £12.50 per ticket

I enclose a cheque/cash for £........................ (Payable to STRS PA)


Date .........................................