STRS PA - Silent Auction – Successful Bids

STRS PA - Silent Auction – Successful Bids

Published Thursday 18 May 2017 by strs pa

The PA committee are pleased to confirm the successful bids for the silent auction items:

  1.    21

year old single malt whisky £90

  1.    Afternoon

tea at the Waldorf Hotel £150

  1.    Montpelier

Wine Bar meal £110

  1.    Cinema

sound box system £110

  1.    Houses

of Parliament tour £303

  1.    Wine-tasting

tour and 6 bottles of selected wine £180

  1.    Bose

speaker system £75

  1.    Motorsport

racing day £150

A huge thank you to all who participated and for the very generous prize donations offered. Together with gift aid that we are able to claim on certain items, the profit from this activity is just over £1,300 which is an excellent contribution to PA funds. These funds will be used to support the School Development Fund following discussion with the Headmaster and the Director of Development.