Schoolbeat workshops for Year 7, 8 and 9 in PSHE

Schoolbeat workshops for Year 7, 8 and 9 in PSHE

Published Friday 11 October 2019 by RT

Our Schoolbeat representative has run workshops with 7R, 8S and 8R on internet safety (grooming) and exploitation so far. These workshops will be repeated throughout the year for the other form groups and future workshops for all of Key Stage 3 on topics such as, sexting and drugs, have been planned. 9R, 8S and 8R will be participating in more Schoolbeat workshops next week.

Students will learn the law around these topics, how to assess risk and stay safe, and who to talk to if they are worried about anything. It is a safe space where they can learn what they need to in order to stay safe and also feel comfortable asking any questions that they may have. So far, the students have found the workshops interesting, engaging and informative.

You can find more information about Schoolbeat by following the link below.


(photo is from the link above)