Scriptwriting Challenge

Scriptwriting Challenge

Published Friday 15 May 2020 by SJV

This week the Drama Department challenged students to write a creative and imaginative ‘five moment script’ inspired by the idea of The Great Realisation. The winners were Sam Kane, 11T (1st), Stephen Adeniyi, 7S (2nd), and Alexander Taylor, 7R (3rd). Sam’s fantastic winning script is below.

The Great Realisation by Sam Kane

Scene begins with P and S sitting in a room, each on an individual chair on opposite sides of the stage, facing the audience. There are no doors in this room. A clock on the wall moves backwards. The muffled sound of people outside can be heard.

  • P: It’s terrifying isn’t it? Maybe there is no hope. Have you considered whether this division of society that we see every day is just a symptom of people’s isolationist attitude?
  • S: No.
  • P: There is certainly something bizarre about it. If we’re all so self-focused, how can you expect us to unite for the greater good? All throughout history, people have regularly, to the extent of predictability, failed to truly move forwards. “It happened, therefore it can happen again: this is the core of what we have to say. It can happen, and it can happen everywhere.” (BEAT) Primo Levi. Although I disagree. We’re too creative for that. To some extent, the only real sense of creativity within society is the vast variety of new ways for people to disappoint. (BEAT) Makes you wonder whether it’s really all worth it.
  • S: You achieve nothing through cynicism. If what you say it true, if humanity is broken and there’s no room for debate, then there’s no reason to despair for how can one lament over a cracked window if they never experienced it unbroken? You say that society is divided yet you keep us locked up in debate rather than going out there and trying to bring people together.
  • P: No. (Stands up and starts circling P) You say that society is divided. We are one and the same, trapped within your stupid little head. Our brain can’t comprehend things this complex. I’ve been in here with you since the very beginning yet even your own mind is divided. How are WE supposed to bring people together? You claim that we’re locked up in here yet you’re the one holding the key. (Pauses and looks out in a more contemplative manner) No, society isn’t broken or divided. At least, that’s not the issue at its core. (Seeing S’s confusion) There’s no reason to voice it. We’ve known it all along. Maybe our problems will begin to repair themselves if we acknowledge it. Then again, maybe not.