Self-Harm Awareness Workshop by Attention Seekers? (article also contains useful websites and apps for pupils and parents)

Self-Harm Awareness Workshop by Attention Seekers? (article also contains useful websites and apps for pupils and parents)

Published Friday 24 January 2020 by RT

On Tuesday 21st January, Sir Thomas Rich's School was pleased to receive a visit from Satveer Nijjar from Attention Seekers? Satveer runs workshops on self-harm awareness for pupils, professionals and parents/carers. She was the winner of 'Most Inspirational Person of the Year' 2018 at the MBBC Awards and she often works with GHLL (Gloucestershire Health Living and Learning). Satveer's workshops are always well-received by our pupils, staff and parents, and they leave her workshops feeling informed, inspired, supported and reflective. We will be looking to run these same workshops for both pupils and parents next academic year and we would highly recommend that any parents who have not heard Satveer talk before, endeavour to attend.

Pupils who attended the workshop on Tuesday found it interesting and informative. They felt it was a necessary topic to discuss. They found Satveer engaging and interesting. They really appreciated her honesty around the topic, her personal case study, and they applauded her focus on reducing any stigma around self-harm. They left the session with a greater understanding and awareness of self-harm.

Parents who attended the information evening on Tuesday found it to be an excellent use of their time and extremely informative. They felt that because of this talk, they will act as more responsible parents. They found Satveer inspiring and engaging, with the session being pitched at just the right level.

In the afternoon, Satveer ran a workshop with our Year 12 pupils. This workshop focused on discussing the following:

  • what self-harm is,

  • reducing the stigma around talking about self-harm,

  • reducing the stigma around talking about suicide

  • What can lead someone to self-harm,

  • The functions of self-harm,

  • How to talk about self-harm, how and where to find support, and how to support others

The same topics were covered during the Parent Information Evening on Self-Harm Awareness which was held that evening, alongside the following:

  • how to broach suspected self-harm,

  • phrases and language to be aware of/avoid/amend

  • how to respond to self-harm disclosures/discovery of self-harm

Below is a list of useful websites and apps for pupils (list given to STRS by Satveer):

**- Hub of Hope App –**free to download app that provides services local to the client. Also offers a crisis messenger service.

  • **Samaritans –**available 24/7 365 days a year. Free confidential support for all.

  • Campaign Against Living – this is a website aimed at reducing male suicide and stigma of mental ill health in males. It offers a confidential helpline alongside webchat.

  • NHS / PHE One You newly launched to help people manage general mental ill health and distress. Promotes positive wellbeing tips and how to manage distress.

  • ‘SHOUT’ text Crisis messenger service. An individual can text ‘SHOUT’ (or anything as I have discovered, eg. Hi) and a trained professional responds. It is for all ages, more info at

-– general mental health awareness

- Papyrus– Support for those feeling suicidal or those who have been bereaved by suicide. Also offers a helpline called the ‘HopeLine’.

  • ** –**support for young people in emotional distress

  • NHS MoodZone– providing information on common mental health concerns including dealing with anger, exams etc.

  • CALM HARM App- this award winning app is free to download and designed to be used by young people who are self-harming (designed to reduce the level of self-harm by providing delay tactics).

  • distrACT App- an app designed to give information, support and alternatives to self-harm behaviours.

  • FOR ME App- an app designed by ChildLine so support young people (covers anxiety, bullying, body image issues and more).

  • Stay Alive App- provides support for those worried about someone who is suicidal alongside support for individuals who are suicidal or at risk of suicide.

More apps for mental health are recommended on the NHS digital webpage.