Successful PA Quiz  and  Pudding Evening

Successful PA Quiz and Pudding Evening

Published Wednesday 7 December 2016 by pa

The Quiz & Pudding night on 18th November was a great success, equally enjoyable for the organisers and participants! It was a cold and wet night but about 120 tickets were sold and no one was about to let the weather dampen their spirits!

            Thank you to all the school staff and PA helpers who transformed the hall and canteen in a jiffy.  By the time people started arriving, the posters for the picture rounds were all up on the walls, the canteen tables had been arranged with some edible goodies and the drinks bar was ready for orders. 

            There was a virtual patisserie of donations from generous parents on the night – sponge cake, Swiss roll, sandwich cookies, rocky road, cheesecake, tart Tatin, tray bake, fudge cake, crumble, eclairs amongst others, and a gluten free dessert to boot. At one point it was drink that was in danger of being in short supply, rather than the food!  All in all, the Quiz & Pudding night yielded a profit of **£1,220.45** to be allocated towards the purchase of a much needed replacement school mini bus.  Thank you again to everyone for supporting this excellent and fun evening.
Successful PA Quiz  and  Pudding Evening  - Image
Successful PA Quiz  and  Pudding Evening  - Image
Successful PA Quiz  and  Pudding Evening  - Image