Thinking of Teacher Training?

Thinking of Teacher Training?

Published Wednesday 11 December 2019 by SJV

If you’re thinking about training as a teacher, join us at our free Teacher Training Taster Day on 29 January to find out more about training options and the financial help available.

Aimed at graduates and career changers considering a career in teaching, Taster Days are run in partnership with the Gloucestershire Initial Teacher Education Partnership (GITEP) and provide an opportunity to meet students, teachers, trainee teachers and teacher trainers. You’ll get a flavour of teaching and a better idea of what a teacher’s day is like, plus they also provide a great opportunity to get the answers to all your questions about teacher training.

                Our January Taster Day offers the opportunity to experience two different secondary schools on the same day. Arriving at Sir Thomas Rich’s at 9am for registration and a welcome talk from a member of the school’s Senior Management Team, the day continues with a guided learning tour of the school, followed by reflections. A minibus then transfers everyone to nearby Barnwood Park School, where a member of the Senior Management Team will welcome you and you will observe lessons. The minibus transfers you back to Rich’s for lunch, with the opportunity to meet and talk with Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs), current teacher trainees and representatives from GITEP.

The Taster Day then continues with a presentation on the different routes into teaching and a look at the financial help and bursaries available, and finishes at around 3pm.

To book your free place contact the Sir Thomas Rich's Teaching School on [email protected].

For more information about a career in teaching, see