Updated - Gas Leak

Updated - Gas Leak

Published Friday 22 January 2016 by mm

You may be aware that we had to evacuate the main school buildings this morning. This was not a planned practice but was in response to a gas leak in one of the science laboratories. The problem was quickly resolved by British Gas. During the evacuation, pupils were supervised by their teachers in alternative accommodation on the school site. The normal school day resumed at 10.20am.

As a consequence of the incident, there may be some disruption to our gas supply over the next few days. In the unlikely event that I will have to close the School on Monday, I will inform parents via email during the course of the day on Sunday and put this information on the School website. It is pleasing to be able to report that during the incident, pupils conducted themselves with sensitivity and maturity.

Best wishes for an enjoyable weekend.

Matthew Morgan