Year 10 workshop on body image and social media, and the dangers of steroids and over-exercising/ under-recovering (PSHE)

Year 10 workshop on body image and social media, and the dangers of steroids and over-exercising/ under-recovering (PSHE)

Published Friday 12 July 2019 by RT

Ben Caton from South West Sports Education came to talk to Year 10 about having a healthy approach to exercise. The workshop covered the impact that social media has on body image and self-confidence. It also busted myths about exercise, promoting to the pupils the importance of giving your body time to recover after exercise and avoiding over-exercising or under-recovering. The dangers of steroid use was also covered, with detail about the negative impact steroids have on your health and the dangers they pose.

Year 10 said they found the talk interesting and informative, especially the information about steroids and the medical impact they have. They found Ben Caton engaging and appreciated his honesty about his own personal battles with exercise and mental health. They found it helpful to hear about the healthiest approach to exercising and how to look after your physical and mental health.

For more information about South West Sports Education, please follow these links.