Year 7 Uniform Collection Morning

Year 7 Uniform Collection Morning

Published Friday 6 July 2018 by MPH

On Saturday 30th June, the new intake of Year 7 students came to meet their form tutors, classmates and collect their uniforms.  It was a very busy morning once again for the PA and Uniform shop volunteers who had come early to school to set up for uniform sales and prepare refreshments for all the guests before the main event of handing out uniforms and selling hot food and drink.

A hundred and fifty new students were expected together with some of their family, a whole class more than in previous years!  The continuing warm weather definitely helped keep the mood buoyant as the PA volunteers worked very hard to be welcoming and ensure that new parents/carers went away satisfied with their uniform orders, and sated with food and drink!

THANK YOU so much to all who played a part in running the Year 7 collection morning, some of whom had been busy organising the event in the run up to the day itself!  It was well run according to feedback received, and the uniform shop queue moved along at a steady pace.

All the profits made from refreshment and uniform clothing sales will go towards supporting the school.  If you would like to learn more about how last year’s PA fundraising activities helped the school and what’s in store for the next year’s line-up in case you’d like to support any event, please Save the Date 09.10.18 and come to the PA AGM, school staff room at 19:30 hours.

Everybody welcome!

Year 7 Uniform Collection Morning - Image
Year 7 Uniform Collection Morning - Image
Year 7 Uniform Collection Morning - Image