Year 9 Students Deliver Impressive STEM Talks

Year 9 Students Deliver Impressive STEM Talks

Published Thursday 13 February 2025 by SJV

Back in December Year 9 forms competed in the first round of the FameLab Academy STEM competition, and today the top two students from each form competed in the next stage. The students all gave a three-minute STEM talk in front of a Year 8 audience and judges, Mrs May (Trustee), Mr Briggs (STEM Mentor) and Mr Dempsey (Deputy Head). The 10 students have been preparing their talks with the support of a Year 12 mentor, and the judges had a very difficult decision again to decide a winner as the standard of the talks were so high. Our winner today was Hem in 9R, for his talk ‘The Truth Time Won’t Tell’. He goes on to compete against other Gloucestershire schools in the FameLab Academy Regional Final at the Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury, with the support of the other contestants who will go along to watch.

Winner 9R Hem B - The Truth Time Won’t Tell

Runners up 9B Barney W - Echolocation: The Science of Sound; 9C Adam C - Feathers; 9T Archie Clarkson - Quasi-stars; 9B Daniel - A World Without Electricity; 9S Russ Adam - The Psychology Behind Superstition; 9R Henry Davies - The Science of Santa ; 9S Max B - Extra-Terrestrial Invasions; 9T Sebastian W - The Electrifying Life of Nikola Tesla; 9C Oscar S - Bananas.