Year 8 Study Skills Day

Year 8 Study Skills Day

Published Friday 20 January 2017 by jrb

Yesterday, Year 8 enjoyed a study skills workshop delivered by Laura Buckeridge from Learning Perfomance. The boys learned efficient ways to revise including mnemonics, loci, one word triggers and converting text to numbers. Further, Laura showed them how important it is to break up topics into small chunks by entitling paragraphs and selecting key information to learn. The students were introduced to a different way of looking at revision. She explained how our brain likes to think in images, colour and music but when revising, we often only provide it with words.

When asked what they had learnt, the boys said: “I’ve learnt how to revise more effectively” and “How to make revision fun”. When asked to name one thing they’d now do differently in revision, the boys responded: “I will use stories to link ideas together”, “I will condense my notes so I remember the key 20%” and “I will use mind maps to plan essays”.

I encourage Year 8 to use these valuable techniques when revising for their upcoming examinations.