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School General Election website results

School General Election website results


Students took to the school polling station to have their say on Thursday 12th December. Students who had registered to vote were provided with a copy of the Gloucester constituency ballot paper. Voter turnout was 69.6%. &nbsp;The results were;&nbsp; 1st&nbsp; place Liberal Democrats with 34.8% of the vote 2nd place Conservatives...

Students take to the polls!

Students take to the polls!


Students at STRS are taking to the polls today in the school's mock General Election. All students that registered to vote in advance have the opportunity to visit the polling station today to cast their vote. As the school sits in the constituency of Gloucester students have been provided a copy...

Thinking of Teacher Training?

Thinking of Teacher Training?


If you’re thinking about training as a teacher, join us at our free Teacher Training Taster Day on 29 January to find out more about training options and the financial help available. Aimed at graduates and career changers considering a career in teaching, Taster Days are run in partnership with the...

Richian 2020

Richian 2020


Richian 2020 is our ambitious fundraising campaign seeking to raise £170,000 to complete the new Business, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Careers and Outreach Centre and continue with our Sports’ Development Plan. Please follow the link for more information – as always, we really value your support. Donate...

Frankfurter Weihnachtsmarkt 2019

Frankfurter Weihnachtsmarkt 2019


Our German students celebrated the end of their trial examinations in style, with a trip to the renowned German Christmas market in Birmingham. With over 200 authentic German stalls, the pupils could try out their language skills as well as some international cuisine. Bratwurst proved a popular choice and the live...

Six Sixth Form students represented STRS at a Climate Change Conference (PSHE)

Six Sixth Form students represented STRS at a Climate Change Conference (PSHE)


Six students from Year 12 & 13 took part in the students Climate Change Conference organised by the Interclimate Change committee and hosted in Cheltenham Council Chambers this Tuesday 26th November. This is the 10th year that the ICC has held these mock climate change conferences throughout Gloucester and Sir Thomas...

ALL Sixth Form Language Lectures 2019

ALL Sixth Form Language Lectures 2019


Yesterday a group of year 12 and 13 linguists had the opportunity to attend a series of excellent lectures in French, German and Spanish at Stroud High School. The lectures were organised by the West of England branch of ALL (Association for Language Learning) and were delivered by native speakers, working...

From the Headmaster

From the Headmaster


I cannot believe that it is less than four weeks until we break up for Christmas. There seems so much to do both in School and in preparation for the festivities during the break. If like me you do not always enjoy the crowded shops at this time of year and...

Job Vacancies At Rich's

Job Vacancies At Rich's


We are currently advertising for a full-time teacher of Business & Economics, a full-time teacher of Mathematics, a part-time Clerk to the School Governors & Company Secretary, and for part-time Exam Invigilators. More information on all posts including job specifications can be found on the eteach website at Or for...

High Achieving Year 12 Student Writes For TES

High Achieving Year 12 Student Writes For TES


Rob Hicks in 12S has been published in the Times Educational Supplement. In the article Rob, who achieved 10 straight 9s at GCSE this year and was one of the highest achieving students in the UK, shares some advice for those taking exams in 2020. You can read the full article...

Göttingen Exchange 2019

Göttingen Exchange 2019


In the 41st year of the exchange, a group of 26 Year 10 students&nbsp;signed up for a week's exchange. This week they&nbsp;welcomed German partners into their homes and enjoyed a varied programme of activities. Highlights included the barn dance, a visit to the mayor, a trip to Bristol to see the...

STRS pays its respects

STRS pays its respects


At 11am on 11th November, the school paid tribute to all those, including former Richians, who served their country in both World Wars and other conflicts since. The whole school gathered in the Assembly Hall to reflect on the sacrifices made by so many.&nbsp; Garde Ta Foy...

From the Headmaster - October 2019

From the Headmaster - October 2019


A busy and successful first half of the Autumn Term saw our new Year 7 pupils visit Stratford for a week-long residential, a well-attended Open Day at the end of September, our annual Speech Night in early October, plus subject trips to Madrid and the beautiful Rhineland – to name just...

Underhill stars in Semi-Final

Underhill stars in Semi-Final


Sam&nbsp;Underhill put in another outstanding performance&nbsp;last Saturday in the superb Semi-Final victory over New &nbsp;Zealand. All being well, he will start in the World Cup Final against South Africa&nbsp;on Saturday. He has had 2 tries disallowed in his brief England career so far, so let's hope it's 3rd time lucky&nbsp;this coming...

Vacancies: Learning Resource Centre Manager / Exam Invigilators

Vacancies: Learning Resource Centre Manager / Exam Invigilators


Sir Thomas Rich's is currently seeking to recruit an experienced librarian to manage our Learning Resource Centre full time, term-time only. We are also recruiting Exam Invigilators to work on a flexible basis. Learning Resource Centre Manager We are looking for a motivated, highly organised and enthusiastic librarian to join our...

Drama at Tommies is now on Twitter!

Drama at Tommies is now on Twitter!


Drama at Tommies is now on Twitter! Follow @TommiesDrama from 4pm TODAY for all the latest info on shows, curriculum and all things performance...

Sam Underhill Selected for World Cup 1/4 Final

Sam Underhill Selected for World Cup 1/4 Final


Following his 'man of the match' performance against Argentina, Sam Underhill, who captained our 1st XV in 2013-14, has been selected at open-side for the World Cup 1/4 Final V Australia tomorrow. Good luck Sam...

Schoolbeat workshops for Year 7, 8 and 9 in PSHE

Schoolbeat workshops for Year 7, 8 and 9 in PSHE


Our Schoolbeat representative has run workshops with 7R, 8S and 8R on internet safety (grooming) and exploitation so far. These workshops will be repeated throughout the year for the other form groups and future workshops for all of Key Stage 3 on topics such as, sexting and drugs, have been planned...

Crimestoppers Fearless Talk on Knife Crime to Year 7 (PSHE)

Crimestoppers Fearless Talk on Knife Crime to Year 7 (PSHE)


7R and 7S found their workshops on knife crime very interesting and informative. These are a few of their reflections following the workshop... "When the Fearless representative came in to talk to us about knife crime, I learnt that lots of teenagers have been tempted to carry a knife. I also...

7R trip to SkillZONE (PSHE)

7R trip to SkillZONE (PSHE)


7R were the first of the Year 7 forms to visit SkillZONE this academic year, with the rest due to go over the next couple of months. They found the workshops on railway safety, the magistrates court, park safety, internet safety, bus safety and the steps to wellbeing interesting and engaging...

U16A XV V Bishop of Hereford Bluecoat School

U16A XV V Bishop of Hereford Bluecoat School


Today's U16 N.Midlands Cup Match against the Bishop of Hereford's Blue coat School will now&nbsp;be starting later at 3.45pm. The boys will therefore return to School later than originally planned at approx. 6pm...

From the headmaster - September 2019

From the headmaster - September 2019


It’s hard to believe that three weeks of the new term have passed already; pupils have settled into their new routines and it really seems as if our new Year 7 and Year 12 students have always been here. In my first assembly of the school year, I referenced a study...

Sport gets Scientific for GCSE and A Level pupils

Sport gets Scientific for GCSE and A Level pupils


The GCSE and A Level pupils were treated to an insight into Sports Science as a career by former pupil Dr. Nicola Bullock. Since leaving STRS Nicola has become a lead Sports Scientist for the Australian Olympic team. During her career in Australia, she has worked with top athletes across a...

School ski trip  - February 2020

School ski trip - February 2020


There are still places available on the ski trip to Austria next year. The visit is planned to take place from Friday 14 to Saturday 22 February 2020 and falls entirely within the school half-term holiday. All students, from beginners to advanced, will find both easy and challenging experiences on a...

A summer of Duke of Edinburgh expeditions

A summer of Duke of Edinburgh expeditions


As a new term starts the Duke of Edinburgh expedition season draws to a close. We have had a very busy summer starting with over 90 Year 10 students completing their assessed expeditions in the Cotswolds in June and July. All students finished successfully despite in one instance a group who...

Open Day and Evening Thursday 26th September

Open Day and Evening Thursday 26th September


Sir Thomas Rich’s School in Gloucester warmly invites Year 5 and 6 boys and their parents to its next Open Day and Evening on Thursday 26th September. The day is a great opportunity to find out more about Rich’s, tour the school, experience some of the subjects first hand, take part...

Congratulations to Year 13 students

Congratulations to Year 13 students


Congratulations to Year 13 students who are celebrating their A Level results today. 194 students received their results and the pass rate at the school was 99.5%. 38% percent of A Level grades awarded to Year 13 pupils were at the highest two grades of A and A* while 90% of...

From the Headmaster - July 2019

From the Headmaster - July 2019


The last few weeks have been extremely busy with Cricket, the Summer Concert, the Fiesta Ball, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expeditions, Year 12 and Year 7 inductions, Geography trips, the Year 8 and 9 French trip, Year 12 work experience, the Year 7 residential to Osmington Bay, internal School exams...

Eastgate Claim Cock House Title

Eastgate Claim Cock House Title


Eastgate have claimed the Cock House Trophy for 2018-19, following on from their success in the House Athletics earlier in July. House Captain Sam Singha is pictured with the Trophy, which was presented this morning in the final assembly of the year. The competition was hard fought, as ever, with Westgate...

The Legacy 110 projects for the Battlefields Trip

The Legacy 110 projects for the Battlefields Trip


Alex Price and Guy Cornish both won places on the Battlefields Programme in November, after taking part in a&nbsp;Y9 competition here at school, which involved writing an essay on why we should still remember those who fell in the war and a viva on how they would each help to pass...

Local Primary Pupils Enjoy Rich's Labs

Local Primary Pupils Enjoy Rich's Labs


Year 5 pupils from Hillview Primary in Hucclecote joined us again this week for more science explorations guided by Rich’s Sixth Formers. Pupils had the opportunity to carry out a number of experiments, and to use Bunsen burners for the first time! Hillview took part in our 2018-19 Primary Science CPD...

School Magazine Available Online

School Magazine Available Online


The latest edition of the School magazine is available to view as a PDF online. Printed copies are available from School reception. https...

Former students offer advice to current Year 12 students

Former students offer advice to current Year 12 students


Yesterday afternoon eight former students returned to STRS to offer advice, hints and tips to the current Year 12. The returning students are now on a variety of pathways including university at Oxford, Cambridge and Cardiff, on gap years, Art Foundation courses or in employment. The advice from them focused on...

BBC Careers in the Media with Modern Foreign Languages Talk and Workshop

BBC Careers in the Media with Modern Foreign Languages Talk and Workshop


On Thursday 4th July, Year 9 and 10 Language Ambassadors enjoyed a talk and a workshop about careers in the media with Modern Foreign Languages. John Price from the BBC gave a presentation to the boys on the media and BBC Monitoring and discussed careers in languages. The boys then completed...

South African tour party arrive safely

South African tour party arrive safely


The South African tour party have arrived safely in Cape Town following their overnight flight. There is no doubt that they will have a memorable experience. Keep an eye on what they are up to on their tour by following @tommiesrugby on twitter...

Year 13 Pupil Signs for Exeter City Football Club

Year 13 Pupil Signs for Exeter City Football Club


Year 13 student Noah Smerdon has signed for Exeter City Football Club. Noah joins the Club having captained the England Under 18s and having played for Gloucester City and the West Brom youth side. "I'm delighted to have joined Exeter City, I know about the history of the club and the...

Eastgate claim House Athletics title

Eastgate claim House Athletics title


On Thursday 11th July, the 2019 House Athletics competition took place, with Eastgate claiming first place. In what proved to be a very competitive event, Eastgate took first place from Northgate, with Southgate and Westgate finishing 3rd and 4th respectively. Eight school records were broken throughout the evening. Natalie Sodzi in...

The Jazz Band Performs at Gloucester Cathedral

The Jazz Band Performs at Gloucester Cathedral


Hundreds of people gathered in Gloucester Cathedral on Tuesday 25th June for an evening of musical entertainment hosted by the G15 Partnership, an organisation which represents the 12 state-funded secondary schools in the Gloucester City area. The 12 schools, including Sir Thomas Rich’s, joined with The Milestone School, the Gloucester and...

Bronze Duke of Edinburgh expedition underway

Bronze Duke of Edinburgh expedition underway


The second half of the groups to complete their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh expedition are well underway. Many have already arrived at the campsite ready for a rest. They have all coped well with the hot and humid conditions. We wish them all the best for the second day tomorrow...

16 – 19 Bursary Fund

16 – 19 Bursary Fund


The 16-19 Bursary Fund is a Government scheme to provide financial assistance to those young people who face a financial barrier to continuing in education or training post-16. Full details are available here. Applications from students joining Year 12 are welcome after GCSE results day and from Year 13 in September...

Year 8 Pupil Sets Up Environmentally Friendly Business

Year 8 Pupil Sets Up Environmentally Friendly Business


Year 8 pupil Aahan Patel has been featured on the BBC News website, having set up a successful business selling bamboo straws to bars and restaurants in the Cheltenham area - well done Aahan! https...

House Languages Superquiz 2019

House Languages Superquiz 2019


Last Monday saw the return of the House Languages competition in the new and exciting format of an Interhouse Superquiz. Teams with contestants from each Key Stage were tested on their linguistic and cultural knowledge. Three heated buzzer rounds were followed by a mixed round which involved all three Key Stages...

Debate team success at EYPUK National Session

Debate team success at EYPUK National Session


On June 27th eight Year 12 students from our talented debate team attended the four day European Youth Parliament UK (EYPUK) summer debate session in Liverpool. Upon arrival the students participated in a range of icebreaker activities to familiarise themselves with the topics for each resolution for debate and their new...

The Onatti French Beginners Play 'Ticket pour l’espace'

The Onatti French Beginners Play 'Ticket pour l’espace'


Last Wednesday, the Modern Foreign Languages department was pleased to welcome back the Onatti Theatre Company for the last time this year. To date pupils in Years 8-10 have had the opportunity to watch a range of entertaining and engaging plays in French, German and Spanish. Now it was the turn...

1st X1 v ORs X1

1st X1 v ORs X1


Unfortunately, tonight's 1st&nbsp;X1 match against an ORs X1 has been cancelled. We look forward to the fixture taking place next season...

Huge success in recent national mathematics competitions

Huge success in recent national mathematics competitions


Over the last number of months many of our students in both Year 7 and Year 8 have participated in various Maths competitions, run by the United Kingdom Maths Trust. At the end of April over 270 boys participated in the Junior Maths Challenge. 185 achieved certificates for their performance with...

Art CPD Course For Teachers

Art CPD Course For Teachers


There's still time for Secondary Art teachers to book a place on our popular&nbsp;Getting Results in GCSE and A Level Art CPD workshop, taking place on Wednesday 10th July at Sir Thomas Rich's. The one-day workshop is led by&nbsp;Rich's Head of Art and GITEP Art Subject Leader Barry O'Neill, and&nbsp;costs just...

STRS Year 7s support the Lionesses

STRS Year 7s support the Lionesses


The tutor group 7T have been working really hard in Mathematics&nbsp;during the&nbsp;past two weeks by&nbsp;creating&nbsp;a display for their&nbsp;cross-curricular Women's World Cup Mathematics project. They have made the display board into a stadium and have decorated&nbsp;it with their own statistical word problems. All of the&nbsp;Mathematics problems they created have&nbsp;used real&nbsp;data that&nbsp;was collected...

U14 Cricket V King's Gloucester

U14 Cricket V King's Gloucester


The U14 Cricket match V King's tomorrow [29-6-19] will now take place at Huntley CC starting at the earlier time of 10am. Players should meet at school at 9am...

Politics Student Shortlisted For Prestigious Essay Prize

Politics Student Shortlisted For Prestigious Essay Prize


A Level Politics student Natalie Sodzi won Highly Commended at a prize-giving ceremony for The New College of The Humanities Essay Competition in London on 25th June. This prestigious competition is open to students who are in their penultimate year of secondary education, and who are interested in studying humanities or...

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze expedition underway

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze expedition underway


Seven groups of Year 10 boys set off this morning on the assessed expedition of their Duke of Edinburgh award. It looks like the weather will be kind to&nbsp;them both today and tomorrow.&nbsp;We wish them all well...

From the Headmaster - June 2019

From the Headmaster - June 2019


As we are coming to the end of a very busy few weeks of ‘internal examinations’ for the Lower School and Year 12, and the last GCE A-Levels and GCSEs are taking place, we can perhaps begin to think of the summer ahead. But, as ever, there is much to be...

Cricket V Monmouth surrenders to weather.

Cricket V Monmouth surrenders to weather.


All matches against Monmouth have been cancelled this weekend. There is standing water on both squares and more rain due tonight and tomorrow here and in Wales...

Summer Fiesta Ball

Summer Fiesta Ball


The arrangements for the Summer Fiesta Ball on Saturday 6 July are coming together well. We have tables of parents, staff and alumni all looking forward to an evening of dining and dancing supporting our school. The caterers have asked for final numbers by Saturday 22 June so if you still...

Lead sponsors for the 2020 Careers' Fayre

Lead sponsors for the 2020 Careers' Fayre


Sir Thomas Rich’s are delighted to announce that Kirby & Knott Financial Planning will be lead sponsors for the 2019/2020 Careers' Fayre. This is a key part of the school’s support for students to engage with employers and Universities. The day will see numerous representatives covering an expansive array of career...

Cricket Cancelled

Cricket Cancelled


Today's U12s County game against The&nbsp;Cotswold School&nbsp;&nbsp;and U15A & B games&nbsp;V Dean Close have&nbsp;all been cancelled...

Cheltenham Festival Success for Year 9 pupil

Cheltenham Festival Success for Year 9 pupil


Mitchel Emery, of Year 9, recently competed at the Cheltenham Festival of Performing Arts. He was competing against 16 other performers from around the county in the Solo Acting class. Mitchel delivered an absolutely faultless and totally believable performance, ultimately winning the competition. He scored 88 out of a possible 90...

New Vacancy - Sports Coach (Rugby and Cricket)

New Vacancy - Sports Coach (Rugby and Cricket)


Sports Coach - part-time, term-time only (20 hours a week) Rich's large and well-equipped Sports Department is host to our hard working and high-achieving rugby and cricket teams. We currently have an exciting opportunity for a part-time, well qualified and enthusiastic Sports Coach with expertise in rugby and/or cricket to join...

Mindfulness CPD Workshop at Rich's 11th June

Mindfulness CPD Workshop at Rich's 11th June


There’s still time for teachers and support staff to book on to our one-day Mindfulness for Young People CPD workshop on 11th June. Covering the science behind the teenage brain and stress, the course looks in detail at: Mental health and young people: what are the issues? What is Mindfulness? The...

Our Modern Foreign Language Assistants spend their last day in school

Our Modern Foreign Language Assistants spend their last day in school


Today we said a fond farewell to our Modern Foreign Language Assistants who have come to the end of their placement in the school. Aylin, Pierre and Agustin have been very much part of the languages team since their arrival in September. Pupils in the Sixth Form at Sir Thomas Rich...




22 Students and 3 staff visited London for an engaging and eye-opening theatre experience.&nbsp; The trip began with a backstage tour&nbsp;of the National Theatre which provided an engaging insight&nbsp;into the theatre industry. Students were able to explore&nbsp;every aspect of what it takes to stage a London show. They were given an...

New Vacancy - Head of Drama/Teacher of Drama (maternity cover)

New Vacancy - Head of Drama/Teacher of Drama (maternity cover)


An exciting opportunity has arisen for a dynamic and creative colleague to contribute to the leadership of the successful Drama Department at STRS. This one-year, fixed-term post is equally well-suited to an experienced colleague or an enthusiastic professional seeking leadership opportunities. For the right candidate, a TLR will be available and...

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Expedition 2019

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Expedition 2019


Ninety-one Year 10 students arrived at the car park in Bourton-on-the-Water last Saturday ready to start their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Practice Expedition. Apart from a few adjustments to their packing and an evening out of the loads amongst the teams, all were properly prepared and kitted out for their expedition...

Formal written GCSE and GCE examinations begin

Formal written GCSE and GCE examinations begin


The sun shining can only indicate one thing, the start of the formal written GCSE and GCE examinations. We wish all of our students the best of luck over the coming weeks as they sit these important qualifications...

From the Headmaster - May 2019

From the Headmaster - May 2019


This is a rather unusual time of year in School as our normal rhythms are disrupted by the departure of year groups as they complete their final preparations for public examinations. Year 11 completed their last day of formal teaching on Thursday 2 May and Year 13 will commence their revision...

Jazz Band perform at the Cheltenham Jazz Festival

Jazz Band perform at the Cheltenham Jazz Festival


The Jazz Band were delighted to perform on Sunday 5th May at the Cheltenham Jazz Festival, performing in Jazz It Up: Schools, on the Free Stage in Montpellier Gardens. With pupils from every year group part of the band, they did the school extremely proud. Many thanks to Mrs Jones to...

Year 11 enjoy Battlesports trip

Year 11 enjoy Battlesports trip


Following the final day of formal lessons yesterday, Year 11 went on a morning of laser combat at Battlesports&nbsp;Glos.&nbsp;in the Forest of Dean. Split into two groups, they participated in different missions throughout a 2 hour window of game play. It was a fantastic way to relax together before the formal...

Quiz and Pudding Night

Quiz and Pudding Night


A Quiz and Pudding Night has been arranged in aid of the Senior Rugby Tour to South Africa on Friday 10th May in the Hall&nbsp;at 7.30pm. There will also be a Licensed&nbsp;bar and raffle, and the winning team will receive a prize of £25. Tickets are £6 and can be obtained...

Science Assembly at Longford Park Primary

Science Assembly at Longford Park Primary


Year 12 STEM Ambassadors planned and delivered a fun, interactive science assembly with the help of Year 7 students at Longford Park Primary Academy this morning, during their Science Week. Sir Thomas Rich’s Teaching School Alliance runs a successful Primary Science CPD Programme for primary teachers and TAs. If you work...

Get Into Teaching

Get Into Teaching


Considering a career in teaching? Teacher training taster days can provide a unique insight into what a teacher’s day is really like. The Sir Thomas Rich’s Teaching School Alliance runs regular, free taster days at Rich’s, Cleeve School, Barnwood Park and Tewkesbury School. Our next session takes place on Friday 24th...

Don Bisset - attendance at British National Swimming Championships April 2019

Don Bisset - attendance at British National Swimming Championships April 2019


Don Bisset - attendance at British National Swimming Championships in April ‘19 &nbsp; &nbsp;Don Bisset of Y13 qualified and attended the British Swimming Championships during the Easter Break for the Men’s Open 400m Individual Medley. &nbsp; Don achieved a very creditable personal best of 4.40.70, which was an excellent result for...

Year 9 Language Ambassadors visit Elmbridge Primary School

Year 9 Language Ambassadors visit Elmbridge Primary School


On Wednesday afternoon, the Year 9 Modern Foreign&nbsp;Language ambassadors visited Elmbridge Primary School to teach Year 4 pupils some French, German and Spanish. The ambassadors were very well prepared with a range of activities, which they&nbsp;used to teach pupils new vocabulary such as numbers and colours.&nbsp;Each class had the benefit of...

Summer Fiesta Ball

Summer Fiesta Ball


Come and enjoy a summer evening of dining, dancing and entertainment at our Summer Fiesta Ball on Saturday 6 July 2019. We have lined up a three course meal, gin bar, magician, jazz band as well as live music. Tickets are available online now via the link below: https...

Scholastic Book Club open until May 13th only!

Scholastic Book Club open until May 13th only!


Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to to browse the latest books and order online. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 25p in Scholastic Rewards. Please place your order online by May 13th, 2019...

Back in time to El Viejo Saloon for the Onatti Spanish Play

Back in time to El Viejo Saloon for the Onatti Spanish Play


On the last day of the Spring term, we headed back in time with the Onatti Company for the Spanish play. The group performed the play ‘El Viejo Saloon’ to an enthusiastic audience who were keen to participate at every opportunity. The story was set in the wild west of America...

From the Headmaster - April 2019

From the Headmaster - April 2019


My message at the whole school end of term assembly was inspired by a film that influenced me when I was growing up: Dead Poets Society. Released in 1989, the film sees Robin Williams play the part of an inspirational teacher who challenges his class to seize the day and follow...

House Netball

House Netball


Well done to all the girls who took part in house netball this year. The weather was not kind to us, but we persevered and played through some heavy showers. The sun came out for the final game and we managed to have a photo under the rainbow that appeared! The...

Teacher Taster Training Day - 24th May

Teacher Taster Training Day - 24th May


We welcome both recent graduates and career changers to our Taster Days, which provide an opportunity to discover more about life as a teacher, as well as to investigate the financial aspects of training to be a teacher. The next Taster takes place on 24th May and starts at Tewkesbury School...

From the Headmaster - March 2019

From the Headmaster - March 2019


School Funding You will no doubt be aware of the ongoing national debate regarding school funding that has culminated recently in thousands of head teachers writing to their parent bodies regarding the situation. Whilst the current education secretary, Damian Hinds, has pledged to make the "strongest case" for school funding ahead...

From the Headmaster - March 2019

From the Headmaster - March 2019


School Funding You will no doubt be aware of the ongoing national debate regarding school funding that has culminated recently in thousands of head teachers writing to their parent bodies regarding the situation. Whilst the current education secretary, Damian Hinds, has pledged to make the "strongest case" for school funding ahead...

Göttingen Exchange 2019

Göttingen Exchange 2019


The Exchange celebrates its 40th year in style with another successful visit. Together with pupils from Denmark Road our Year 10s are enjoying a return trip to visit their exchange partners in Gottingen. The highlights so far have been a day trip to Berlin and of course sampling all the&nbsp;local foods...

World Book Day

World Book Day


World Book Day was celebrated over more than one day at STRS this year. The English department, the DT department and the LRC have combined to create a series of events to inspire writing and nurture the love of reading. We launched our Love Reading week with the Scholastic Book Fair...

Sixth Form Work Experience in Germany, France and Spain

Sixth Form Work Experience in Germany, France and Spain


During half term, our Sixth Form MFL students spent time in France, Spain and Germany completing a Work Experience placement. This was the ideal opportunity to practise their language skills and experience first-hand the life and culture in the country of their chosen language. The students chose work placements from an...

From the Headmaster - February 2019

From the Headmaster - February 2019


As February is drawing to a close and as we reach the half way point in the school year, I’ve been reflecting on how busy and purposeful school life is at Sir Thomas Rich’s. Internal examinations took place this week for Year 10, and more importantly Trial examinations are on the...

The Richian - Latest Issue Available Now

The Richian - Latest Issue Available Now


The new issue of the School magazine, The Richian, has just been published and is available on the website at Every pupil has been given a copy to take home, and additional copies are available from reception...

Fun Science Assembly at Local Primary School

Fun Science Assembly at Local Primary School


Sir Thomas Rich’s was invited to Hillview Primary School recently to deliver a science assembly to inspire Year 5 and Year 6 pupils. Four Year 12 Rich’s students planned the assembly, with help from six Year 7 students. The assembly was highly interactive with lots of audience participation, and was enjoyed...

Book Fair Success

Book Fair Success


Our Book Fair went like a dream! Students thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to browse new books and to make recommendations to each other. Book sales were tremendous and as a result we now have £600 to spend on new books from the Scholastic range. It was so nice to see such...

Steve Cole Author Visit

Steve Cole Author Visit


Steve Cole is visiting STRS on February 26th to talk to Years 7 to 9 about his books, his writing, and particularly his passion for gadgets and gizmos. This is a great opportunity to meet a real author, to share in his love of writing and to inspire both reading and...

USA Politics trip enjoying NYC and DC

USA Politics trip enjoying NYC and DC


27 pupils and two members of staff are currently enjoying a fascinating trip to the USA. We had a great time in New York on Thursday and Friday. On Thurdsay, we enjoyed the fast pace and diversity of the Big Apple, drinking in the buzz of Times Square and the spectacular...

Year 9 Young Entrepreneur Day

Year 9 Young Entrepreneur Day


Year 9 participated in a Young Entrepreneur Day today run by GFirst. The boys worked in teams of 5 to create a scientific invention that could be launched to market. Each group created a presentation with details of their product design, marketing and financial plans. The judging panel of business volunteers...

Surprise visit to Downing Street

Surprise visit to Downing Street


Year 13 Economists have a surprise visit to Downing Street after participating in “Minister for a Day Challenge” at Admiralty House in Westminster...

KS4 Badminton team come second in Gloucestershire School Game's County Finals.

KS4 Badminton team come second in Gloucestershire School Game's County Finals.


The KS4 Badminton team competed in the county finals tournament on Tuesday after easily winning the district finals. The team comfortably beat Farmors, Rednock and Forest High 5-0. Balcarras also went into the final game undefeated so it was set up for the third year in a row with the last...

KS3 Badminton Team win Gloucestershire School Game's County Finals

KS3 Badminton Team win Gloucestershire School Game's County Finals


Congratulations to the KS3 Badminton team in winning the county finals for the second year in a row. The team of Ansh Nair, Sai Kenche, Justin Abraham and Elvis Edakkara easily beat Deer Park and Newent schools 5-0.&nbsp;They&nbsp;had tougher games against Balcarras (3rd overall) and Katharine Lady Berkeley's school (2nd overall...

Onatti German Play 'So eine Nervensäge'

Onatti German Play 'So eine Nervensäge'


On Tuesday, the German department was delighted to welcome the Onatti Company for the second of the Modern Foreign Language Plays this year. The actors performed the play ‘So eine Nervensäge’ in front of a very attentive and enthusiastic audience. The story is a funny story about two siblings. Lydia has...

Netball teams place 1st and 4th in the 'Gloucestershire Challenge Cup'

Netball teams place 1st and 4th in the 'Gloucestershire Challenge Cup'


Well done to our A and B teams who played with enthusiasm and commitment at the recent Challenge Cup. Our A team won the overall tournament, beating tough opposition such as Pates and Stroud High. We have worked hard in training to improve our skills and team play.&nbsp;We are also&nbsp;thrilled that...

New vacancies

New vacancies


We are seeking to appoint for September 2019, a Head of English and a Teacher of Science with a specialism in Biology (both permanent, full-time posts).&nbsp; For further details, please visit [Vacancies] on our website...

School Book Fair 8th - 13th February

School Book Fair 8th - 13th February


On the 8th - 13th February, the bookshop comes to Tommies. Help to make it a success. Buy books for yourself, your siblings and&nbsp;your friends. Our book range is fantastic and&nbsp;you will find many of the best-selling books which are flying off the shelves in your local book store. Books range...

Careers and HE Fayre 2019

Careers and HE Fayre 2019


The Careers and HE Fayre 2019 was held on Friday 25th January. The School hosted 50 companies and 42 universities for the morning across two fayres which were visited by students in Year 8 - 13. In addition, there was 27 Careers Talks that students of Year 11 and 12 could...

Sixth Form Opening Evening 5th February

Sixth Form Opening Evening 5th February


Sir Thomas Rich’s warmly invites Year 11 boys and girls, and their families, to join us at our Sixth Form Open Evening on Tuesday 5th February 2019, from 6.30pm. As one of the highest attaining schools in the country, Rich’s attracts high-ability students who work hard and aspire to achieve the...

Sad news about former Headmaster

Sad news about former Headmaster


It is with sadness that Sir Thomas Rich’s School has learned of the death of former Headmaster, Tony Stocks, on 15 January. Mr Stocks was 95 and he died peacefully in his sleep. Mr Stocks was an inspirational Headmaster implementing many much needed reforms to education in the School. He oversaw...

From the Headmaster - January 2019

From the Headmaster - January 2019


I hope it is not too late to wish you a Happy New Year. It is difficult to believe that we are already into the second week of the new term. The full range of sports and music practices are of course underway, along with the varied mix of extra-curricular activities...

Free Teacher Training Taster Day at Rich's

Free Teacher Training Taster Day at Rich's


New year new career? If you're interested in a career in teaching, come along to the free Teacher Training Taster Day at Sir Thomas Rich's and Barnwood Park School on Wednesday 23rd January. The day is for anyone interested in finding out more about a career in teaching - whether you...